Let’s talk ‘self-talk’.

GC Hypnotherapy, located in Bundall on the Gold Coast are passionate about helping you reframe unhelpful self-talk to create the life you’re truly capable of.

Self-talk, also referred to as our ‘internal monologue’, is something that all humans naturally do all day, every day.

It’s this internal discourse that helps an individual connect to their sense of self and engage in the world and with those around them.

Self-talk is formed throughout years of experiences and is exceptionally powerful.

A person’s monologue controls their whole life.

Whatever someone tells themselves becomes their reality. This covers all areas including how someone fits into society, builds relationships and sets and achieves goals.

While self-talk is incredibly powerful, the downside occurs when the narrative turns negative.

Any flawed perception of self can lead to limiting beliefs that can be to the detriment of opportunities, relationships and goals. Negative self-talk can lead to a life spent merely existing and never reaching one’s true potential and thriving as we are all capable of doing.

Often we have underlying subconscious patterns of self-talk playing out for us that we aren’t even aware of.  If you’re feeling your not getting the outcomes you want in life, a professional coach can certainly help get you on track.

The good news is it’s entirely possible to reframe unhelpful self-talk to create the life you’re truly capable of. Here are some of the most common self-talk phrases and what you can tell yourself instead.

I don’t have time

Whether it’s exercise, working, cooking, connecting with friends, studying or applying for a new career, bettering ourselves can often fall off the priority list when someone consistently tells themself they’re ‘too busy’.

Replace with: I’m intentional with my time and choose to find the time I need

Adopt a balanced approach to life that includes equal time spent on family, friends, work, hobbies and yourself.  Prioritise your time so that the activities that will directly help you achieve goals aren’t forfeited in favour of things that truly don’t add any value to your life.

Lots of people have it worse than me

If you’re looking at things you want to change but believe you shouldn’t because lots of people have a much worse life, you’re failing to open yourself up to potential opportunities. Appreciating and showing gratitude for the things you have is always welcome, but it doesn’t mean you should feel guilty or compare your life to those around you.

Replace with: I want to improve my life  

The popular phrase, ‘comparison is the thief of joy’ has never been more relevant than now! What the people around you do or don’t have in their life is irrelevant to your goals. Focus on yourself and what you want to achieve and only look to others who are going to build you up and support your achievements.

I don’t deserve anything more than I have

If you have a good job, a nice home and good friends in your life, it can be easy to tell yourself you have all you deserve. You’re doing OK, there’s nothing more you need.

Each person’s benchmark of what they deserve is relevant to their own sense of self. For some, this may be a bigger home or increased salary, but for others, this may simply be new clothes or a loving partner.

Replace with: I deserve this

Regardless of your goal, you must truly believe you deserve everything the world has to offer. Whether this relates to finances, relationships or career opportunities, if you don’t truly believe you deserve to achieve your goals and regularly tell yourself this is the case, it’s unlikely you’ll ever take steps towards your dreams.

I don’t have any control

When you’re caught up in a life of bills, family, work and study, it can be easy to create a narrative around the external factors controlling the life you live.

Replace with: I am in control of my whole life

Once you understand that your life today is the complete responsibility of you and you alone, things will start to change.

How to reframe unhelpful self-talk

While unhelpful self-talk can sabotage goals rather than help you achieve, a core belief system created through years of life experiences becomes a habit that can be hard to change. The key is to re-train the brain to think more positively by adopting any of the following techniques:

Neuro-linguistic therapy

Thought processes are a habit that can be broken just as easily as a new one can be made. The key to changing habits is to understand that the belief systems that have been built up over years can be changed with some intentional therapies.

NLP utilises the connection between thinking (the way the senses understand what’s going on around you), language (how it influences those around you) and programming (the way the brain organises ideas and actions).

Essentially, by changing the neuropathways (which we have full control over), you can interrupt your thought process and exchange unhelpful self-talk with more positive thoughts instead.


Hypnotherapy can help clear your mind of unhelpful thought patterns and focus attention on more positive thoughts. Once the brain has adopted positive self-talk as a habit, opportunities for the future will open up along with the confidence to take them.

Show gratitude for the things you want

When you feel genuine gratitude for the things you want, even if you don’t yet have them, your energy and attention divert to how you can achieve whatever it is your heart desires. It’s impossible to have an unhelpful internal narrative when you’re so thankful for what you have and what you will have in future.


One-on-one coaching can help identify the root cause of negative self-talk. Often, negative self-talk and limiting beliefs stem from previous experiences and even the voice of other role models we may have been associated with throughout our life. Working with a coach can help you work through these belief systems to create a more positive way of living.

To find out more about self-talk and how a more positive approach can turn your life around, contact Jade today.