All of us know what anxiety feels like and what it does to us when we cannot control it. It starts with a creeping sense of dread followed by worry and then a tightness in the chest and a rapid heartbeat when it goes haywire.

This feeling is a normal reaction when we feel threatened and it goes away when the threat does. However, for some, anxiety is an ongoing state of mind that makes daily life impossible to handle.

How fear factors in anxiety

Anxiety is linked to fear which is triggered when we feel threatened and it actually prepares us to face threats. The emotion releases hormones in the body which:

  • Shut down bodily functions that are unnecessary for survival such as our digestive system.
  • Increases functions that increase focus such as our eyesight and the blood flow in our muscles increases for extra strength and speed.
  • The flow of hormones in the amygdala region of the brain increases. This is the part of the brain which helps us focus on a present danger and store it in our memory.

Unfortunately, anxiety can prolong fear which increase the duration of these reactions. This can weaken our immune system, damage our heart and result in digestive issues such as irritable bowel syndrome. It can also speed up the aging process and reduce fertility rates.

Long term anxiety causes massive damage to the part of the brain known as the hippocampus. This is responsible for storing long term memories so if you remain fearful for long, it can be difficult to regulate that feeling. In other words, your world will look scarier because your anxiety will bring up past hurts to the fore each time you are afraid.

Besides making us more afraid than necessary, chronic anxiety interrupts with our ability to regulate emotions and process non-verbal cues before we act. This has a strong impact on our decision making skills which makes us more impulsive and unable to act rationally. Ultimately, the inability to control anxiety leads to depression and PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) which can become constants in the lives of those affected.

If you are prone to anxiety induced panic attacks, whether they be mild or severe, you are not living your full potential. The fight or flight instinct triggers this state of mind which can lead to weakness, excessive perspiration, numbness, rapid heartbeat and hyperventilation. No one can lead a normal life if they experience this state of mind regularly or even occasionally.

How Hypnotherapy can help

Hypnotherapy can ease anxiety by boosting your confidence and belief in yourself – the 2 factors that can keep fear at bay.  In a calm state of mind you will be more capable of overcoming the overwhelming emotions that a panic attack can bring and therefore make sound decisions.

Hypnosis accesses the subconscious and uses the power of suggestion to promote positive change. These are customised according to specific fears and triggers that induce anxiety and change the way you react to them. In other words, hypnotherapy can help you regain a sense of control that can help you understand your fears and overcome them.